Found URL

Schema Types

Table of Contents


Field Argument Type Description
character Character

Get a specific character by ID

id ID!
characters Characters

Get the list of all characters

page Int
filter FilterCharacter
charactersByIds [Character]

Get a list of characters selected by ids

ids [ID!]!
location Location

Get a specific locations by ID

id ID!
locations Locations

Get the list of all locations

page Int
filter FilterLocation
locationsByIds [Location]

Get a list of locations selected by ids

ids [ID!]!
episode Episode

Get a specific episode by ID

id ID!
episodes Episodes

Get the list of all episodes

page Int
filter FilterEpisode
episodesByIds [Episode]

Get a list of episodes selected by ids

ids [ID!]!



Field Argument Type Description
id ID

The id of the character.

name String

The name of the character.

status String

The status of the character ('Alive', 'Dead' or 'unknown').

species String

The species of the character.

type String

The type or subspecies of the character.

gender String

The gender of the character ('Female', 'Male', 'Genderless' or 'unknown').

origin Location

The character's origin location

location Location

The character's last known location

image String

Link to the character's image. All images are 300x300px and most are medium shots or portraits since they are intended to be used as avatars.

episode [Episode]!

Episodes in which this character appeared.

created String

Time at which the character was created in the database.


Field Argument Type Description
info Info
results [Character]


Field Argument Type Description
id ID

The id of the episode.

name String

The name of the episode.

air_date String

The air date of the episode.

episode String

The code of the episode.

characters [Character]!

List of characters who have been seen in the episode.

created String

Time at which the episode was created in the database.


Field Argument Type Description
info Info
results [Episode]


Field Argument Type Description
count Int

The length of the response.

pages Int

The amount of pages.

next Int

Number of the next page (if it exists)

prev Int

Number of the previous page (if it exists)


Field Argument Type Description
id ID

The id of the location.

name String

The name of the location.

type String

The type of the location.

dimension String

The dimension in which the location is located.

residents [Character]!

List of characters who have been last seen in the location.

created String

Time at which the location was created in the database.


Field Argument Type Description
info Info
results [Location]



Field Type Description
name String
status String
species String
type String
gender String


Field Type Description
name String
episode String


Field Type Description
name String
type String
dimension String



Value Description



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.


The Upload scalar type represents a file upload.